Friday, February 13, 2009

He aced it!!!

So I need to brag about my husband just a little bit. He took his block 4 test yesterday and he got 100%. So far on all of the tests that Camarron has taken he has gotten 90% or higher. Some of you might not think that is such a big deal, but let me explain Tech. School a little bit to you. Each of Cam's "blocks" can be compared to a college course. The stuff that he has to learn in one week or less is often something that would take close to a semester of college to learn normally. However, here they go to class from around 7am in the morning and finish anywhere from 4:30 to 6pm in the evening. They do get a lunch break in there as well. Their schooling is extremely intense and when you take a block test you have to get above 70% or you can't move on. If you fail more than 2 you can get washed back and re classed into something different. Pretty much what that means is you start Tech School all over and learn something different that is easier. There are a lot of people that we have met that have failed a test or two and are struggling with how much information they have to learn in such a short period of time. Cam studies so hard and amazes me with how quickly he picks up and understands all that he is learning. So yesterday's test was a pretty exciting accomplishment. There aren't many people who pull that off while here in Tech School. So I just thought I would do a post on how amazing I think my husband is and brag that he just aced his last test!

1 comment:

  1. i love you guys so much you guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
