Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July Weekend!!!

So this weekend was pretty awesome! Camarron was lucky enough to have a four day weekend. (Fri.-Mon.) We decided to go to the zoo on Friday morning. It was military appreciation day so we got in FREE! I don't think I have ever seen so many people at the zoo. I guess we all like free stuff here in the military. :.)

Me and the pelican.

These little groundhogs weren't sure what to think of Cam. The one that is crouched down kept bobbing up and down looking at Camarron trying to figure out what was going on.

We decided to go on the train ride. I thought it was going to be a lot longer than what it was. I think it lasted a total of two minutes. I guess things aren't quite like I remember them as a little girl.

However, if we didn't go on the train ride, we never would have seen this awesome buffalo. Camarron was worried it was going to ram us right off of the train. Ok...he was actually hoping that the buffalo would just come and ram the train so there was a little bit more excitement.

Cam with the Pongo Pygmaeus (Orangutan).

This rattle snake followed the camera up and down while I was trying to take his picture. We were probably the most exciting things he had seen all day.

We tried to get this giraffe to put his head up so our picture would have turned out better, but I guess you can't interrupt a giraffe and his lunch.
And these are always my favorite animals at the zoo. They were actually swimming around today because the zoo keepers were out feeding them. I could have stayed and watched them all day.
There was a guy standing next to us that asked the question to his wife, "Honey, are these animals birds?" I wanted to lecture him so he was educated...but I refrained. Just so all of you know and can now tell the guy next to you at the zoo when he asks, penguins are birds and they do have feathers. Normal birds have about 35 feathers per square inch on their body. Penguins have 70 feathers per square inch. They also have a special oil that covers their feathers so the water runs off of them and they can stay warm in cold climates. (However, these penguins live in Africa.) Now you know...and I feel better too. :.)
On Saturday we went to a breakfast that our ward put on. After we left we stopped by our apartment to get some things so we could go to the parade with CeCee and on our way back to the car Dude (This is another name for of her many) said, "Wow! That's the biggest spider I have ever seen!" I turned around just in time to see a HUGE black spider, pulling something along with it, crawl into a crevice of a rock. Cam and Dude got a little closer and noticed it was a black widow. At first I was king of intrigued by the thing since I just got done studying about arachnids in my Zoology class, but I won't lie, now I'm a little freaked out knowing that monstrous spider (the size of a Ritz cracker) is living right outside my apartment.
Pretty dang disgusting if you ask me!
After our spider adventure we went to watch the Layton parade. Lucile was on a float for productions company and was one of the few floats that was actually interesting. Afterwards we ended up going to a concert in Hooper, UT as well as a fireworks show. Greg Simpson put on a great concert and I won't lie, the city of Hooper put on a really good fireworks show. I was impressed.

All these little kids were laying on their bellies fascinated with whatever was going on if front of them. Mom and I thought it was a cute picture moment.
There was some huge artillery type gun at the park in Hooper. That was the first thing Cam wanted to check out.

So we did and he climbed all over it like a monkey.

My hubby lovin' the fireworks.

The grand finale and it was way better than I was expecting.
We had a wonderful weekend but I must admit I am happy that this new week is starting so I can get some major studying and homework done. I'm trying so hard to finish all my school work early so we can go to Alaska for two weeks. We are hopefully leaving on the 6th of August and coming home on the 21st. We can't wait and are so excited we can hardly stand it! So homework for now...but Alaska...HERE WE COME!

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