Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a pretty fun Easter. We had to do things a little different this year because we are trying to accumulate as little as possible before we move back to Utah (which is in 2 weeks from Friday!!!) and I am trying my hardest to not eat sugar. So we just decided to dye eggs...and then eat them.

I had to make a crazy face for this one. Camarron never smiles when we take pictures, but this time he wanted to just smile. So right before he took the picture I pulled a face...I couldn't help it. Camarron was a little bugged our picture didn't turn out the way he wanted it to, but I got a good laugh out of it. We did take another one and I smiled pretty for him.

Notice how bright the eggs are! Our fingers turned that bright too. :.)

Cam was really excited when we got started...

And then he quickly lost interest.

However, about 2 hours later he was really excited again when he got to shell all the eggs and make dinner for us.

So all of our hard work ended up in the trash. Cam's dinner was super good though.

This was what the sky looked like standing outside our apartment Sunday evening. Another storm came, but not nearly as bad as the night before.

The day before Easter, Saturday, there was a terrible storm here in Wichita Falls. It was pouring rain and there was lightning and thunder like I had never experienced before. The thunder was so loud the it triggered the car alarms out in the parking lot. Camarron and I decided to drive out away from the lights of the city and take some pictures of the lightning. It was kind of hard with just my digital camera, but we tried. The weather has been kind of crazy lately, however, I have loved the rain!

We also had a really pretty full moon a couple of nights ago.

Camarron is just finishing up his certification and has one last test and then he graduates. We are so excited and cannot believe that we will be leaving so soon. It has been long awaited.


  1. Cool! Easter is a fun relaxing holiday, I think. And I'm excited for you guys to move back to Utah so that maybe we can actually get together sometime!

  2. HEY!!!! I didn't know you had a blog! All this time that you have been gone I could have been checking up on you to see how you guys are doing....Geeesh! Anyways, looks like things are great for you two. I'm excited to see you soon.

  3. Holy cow!! I will never forget that storm for sure!! What a crazy night!! I miss those times at the same time that I am SOO grateful to be outta that place!! Man!! So gald you lived there!! Don't know how I woulda survived!! Love you guys!!
