Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So I wish I had some cool pictures to go with this post, but I don't. This past week has been a little crazy. Camarron and I are so excited to be leaving in a few days and I am just hoping that we are able to get everything done that we need to in order to leave.
This past Sunday was a little crazy! Around 9:30 at night I began to have sharp pains on the lower right side of my back. The pain increase very rapidly and I immediately knew that I had kidney stones again. Of course it happened just after Camarron had to be back in his dorm for curfew, so he wasn't able to help me much. This sure drove him crazy. Luckily there is a sweet missionary couple who Cam called and asked to come over to my apartment and keep an eye on me. So they came over immediately. The pain wasn't going away and started to get worse so about 10:30 we went to the hospital. We were there until 5:30 a.m. the next morning. What a way to spend your evening right. :.) They gave me some medication for the pain the knocked me out, but that didn't even come until 4 a.m. So we just sat and waited and I tried not to think about the pain. I was grateful however, that all I had was kidney stones. One lady that came in had been bitten by a rattlesnake. I'm not sure what happened with that, but I was grateful it wasn't me.
My dear sweet husband was so worried about me that he stayed up until 3a.m. waiting for me to call him and tell him what the doctors said. He did fall asleep but I finally was able to call him at 5:30. He had just woken up to start getting ready to go to school. He had a quiz that day and I felt so bad that he hadn't gotten any sleep and I was worried that he wouldn't be able to pass his quiz. However, my husband is freakin' AWESOME! and he only missed half of one question. It was an oral quiz and his instructor would go around and keep asking everyone questions. Because Camarron kept answering everything right, he just said, "Franklin you can't have any more questions!" I was pretty proud of him. He takes his final exam on Wednesday, he graduates Thursday, and we take off Friday! We can't wait!

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